The day signals the change of times as I started devoting myself to the plan, three full hours of it. The conditions were ideal: flexible hours as long as I meet a bi-monthly quota while at the comforts of our home. Busying myself on the couch with my notebook (since that was the nearest place where I can connect the notebook to the cable internet), I found out that most of the employees I was with were from a different region and speaking in their local dialect but were kind enough to speak in English most of the time when we chatted through Skype. To give you a background, I am and will never be sociable. I have had difficulty making friends with anyone because I just don't want to. Because of this, I've had problems with school and my previous jobs. Factor all these things together and put me in a situation where I have to adjust to the nature of work and talk with my co-workers to coordinate with our project via e-mail or Skype, there will be some issues coming my way. Alas...
Ramblings rescued from the great deep