It's been almost a week since I saw The Avengers (thanks to Mina , my fuzzy co-worker who gave me an extra pair of tickets she won from 7-11). I planned to write about the movie immediately after seeing it, but I decided to wait for the dust to settle and attain a better perspective of the film, which I think I have right now. For those who haven't seen the film, I urge you to give in to your geeky side and see the damn thing. Granted, it's not going to win an Oscar, but I never thought "bad-ass" could actually be reinvented. I wasn't a huge fan of the comic book, but I have always loved the Captain America mythology, sans the patriotism. Therefore, being one of the first people to see the movie come to life brought out the fanboy in me - seeing all the cast members from the different Marvel films throughout the years equally sharing the spotlight was a visual orgasm (no homo). Not to mention, all of the action-packed scenes got me giggling like a Japanese sc...
Ramblings rescued from the great deep