Pain of Salvation - Be Sounds like modern-day Yes (the 70's British Prog Rock band), with the propensity of injecting lame and cheesy philosophical/theological ideas. The music is an amalgam of bombastic sound arrangements, off-kilter time signatures, virtuoso playing, and rich harmonies. But the concept of nature and religion may be too pompous and overbearing even for progheads. A satisfying listen, but a bit too cerebral. --- Last Music Video Syndrome... although 'alang pictures. Just Hate Me Pain I gotta think of something to make you think less of me, that I am nothing to hold on to, cause we are through I dislike you I wish that you could hate me then things would be so easy just get me off your mind if the bitch would have a son then I would be the one so hate me geese, flying from the winter that's what I should do, do, door become a sprinter and run away cause we are through I dislike you I wish that you could hate me then things would be so easy just get me off yo...
Ramblings rescued from the great deep