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Showing posts from January, 2012

Genital Wash Ads

Two ads about the same product (one for women, the other for men), but their respective messages are radically different upon using said product. This ad is about keeping your private part clean and fresh. Nothing more. This ad is about hooking up with hot chicks with the hope of engaging in a menage a quarto later that evening (or morning if he works at night).

3 Jobs that I Respect Because I Won't Have the Courage to Do Them

1. Comedian 2. Professional Wrestler 3. Porn Star

Animal Wrongs

No offense to ChicBoy, which serves tasty food at affordable prices, but their logo looks terrible. I'm no vegetarian, but I find it disturbing that some restaurant logos glorify their meat products - may they be chicken, beef, and pork -  by portraying them as happy and glad to be served in cutlets on the dining table. First, why would they be happy? Why would people assume that animals are willing to offer their body to satiate the appetites of many? I honestly don't think that the squealing pigs and wiggling chickens, once their throats are slit for the blood to pour, are expressions of  exultation. It is merely their way of saying, "get me the fuck out of here." Put the situation the other way around: If cannibalism is legal and people are slaughtered and made into  bulalo  or  giniling , I don't think using this image as a restaurant logo would make for a great company branding, either.
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